Westlaw KeyCite: What does the “Proposed Action” section refer to?

If you’ve ever used the KeyCite citator on statutes in Westlaw, you may have wondered what the “Proposed Action” section refers to for proposed legislation.

For example, it might read “Proposed Action: Repealed” or “Proposed Action: Amended.”  What this refers to is not the proposed legislation, but rather it refers to what would happen to the statute you KeyCited if the proposed legislation were to pass.  So if it reads “Proposed Action: Repealed,” that means the KeyCited statute would be repealed if the proposed legislation passed, and if it reads “Proposed Action: Amended,” that means the KeyCited statute would be amended if the proposed legislation passed.   Why on Earth do they write the proposed action in the past tense, if it’s proposed action for proposed legislation?  They should write something like: Proposed Action: Repeal, and Proposed Action: Amend.  Otherwise, it looks like the proposed legislation has been repealed or amended!

Here’s an example:

R.C. § 2109.21
To view the full text of this section, click on the following citation. OH ST § 2109.21

Proposed Legislation

1. 2011 OH S.B. 117 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 117, Ohio One Hundred Tw (Jun 21, 2011), VERSION: Engrossed, PROPOSED ACTION: Repealed.
2. 2011 OH S.B. 124 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 124, Ohio One Hundred Tw (May 24, 2011), VERSION: Engrossed, PROPOSED ACTION: Repealed.
3. 2011 OH S.B. 124 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 124, Ohio One Hundred Tw (May 10, 2011), VERSION: Amended/Substituted, PROPOSED ACTION: Amended.
4. 2011 OH S.B. 117 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 117, Ohio One Hundred Tw (Apr 07, 2011), VERSION: Amended/Substituted, PROPOSED ACTION: Repealed.
5. 2011 OH S.B. 124 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 124, Ohio One Hundred Tw (Mar 22, 2011), VERSION: Introduced, PROPOSED ACTION: Repealed.
6. 2011 OH S.B. 117 (NS), 2011 Ohio Senate Bill No. 117, Ohio One Hundred Tw (Mar 10, 2011), VERSION: Introduced, PROPOSED ACTION: Repealed.”